Here we go!

It is officially day 2 in the year of 2017.

In some aspects, I’m not ready to begin a new year. I’m not ready for my children to be another year older. I’m not ready to begin schooling after winter break. I’m not ready to leave the past behind and press on to the future.

Yet, here we are. Here I am. Time keeps ticking. We are thrust into the present.


Hmmmm, even as I am typing, that word stands out to me. Present. Present in the here and now.  Present. Not in the future or the past, but in the moment. Present. I like it. Perhaps it will be my “word of the year?” I’m not sure. I simply know it fits with what I am committing to do this year.

Let me explain.

This last year marked the completion of my 10th official year on social media.  It’s my favorite way to use up any of my spare time. I love Facebook. I love Instagram. I love Periscope. The virtual connection I feel with other people gives me a weird … high. Being able to share what’s happening in my own life, catching glimpses into others’ lives, looking at pictures, asking questions, doing silly surveys, joining groups, seeking information, and finding support, are just a few reasons why social media is a beautiful world to me.

I love it. Truly. I love it a lot.

Therein lies the problem.

I love it so much that it literally sucks hours and hours of my time each week. Dare I say, I might even have an addiction. Yes, I think I do.

You know those  studies showing people look at their phones over a hundred (or more?) times a day? I believe it. Not because I see others do it (though that’s the case, too), but because I do it. I love looking at my little cracked iPhone screen.

Most of my friends and family may not know this, but social media to me is similar to how a pacifier, bottle or special blankie is to a baby.  Always looking for it. Always needing it. Always holding it close. There’s comfort within it. Take it away and tantrums, of varying proportions, may ensue.

As I enter my 11th year of virtually connecting with friends, family and strangers near and far, I am making the decision to let go. I’m letting go for an entire year. No social media for all of 2017. It’s getting real here, folks.

In choosing to let go of a piece of my security, I am hoping there won’t be any tantrums, fits of rage, or tears. Well, maybe the last one isn’t true. I actually do expect tears. The withdrawals are going to be hard, really hard. Harder than I may be anticipating, yet, I know it’s what I need to do.

I’ve known since the Fall of 2016 that I needed to do this. I told my husband about it at the beginning of December 2016. I let the Facebook world know shortly after Christmas time.

There’s no turning back.

Though I anticipate the first few days, weeks and months to be hard, I anticipate more the freedom it will bring. The benefits and gains will far outweigh any loss.

This new blog is to help me process the journey. It’s to help me share the essence of one and all that is going on in my life. I want to share what I’m learning, what I’m thinking, and what I’m doing. I love to write. For some strange reason, I think I’ll have some more time on my hands in this 2017 year. I suspect you’ll be hearing from me again soon.

Happy New Year! It’s going to be a great year!

To God be the Glory!

8 thoughts on “Here we go!

  1. You will find your family and your engagement with the real world will outshine the technology. It was like when I was a child and the phone was hardwired into the wall and I could not talk on it often. Enjoy the present. I know what you mean when you said your son turned 16. Time is short. When they move away the relationship changes because you don’t have the daily contact. Be present. There will always be time for social media when you get older and life has less demands on you. I love your commitment and support it!

    • Thank you, Debbie! It’s so wonderful to hear from another mom on the other side of the journey who supports this endeavor. So very encouraging!!

  2. I have felt convicted for awhile that I, too, needed to step away from Facebook for a season (of which I’m not yet sure of the length). How I fought it. You sharing your journey, along with a few others, helped to show me that I could no longer walk in disobedience when I felt the conviction. I finally talked to Todd about it and he asked me, “What is the purpose for you?” It was hard to ask myself that question (and be honest with myself). I finally realized that I did need to step back (for some of the reasons that you shared and some that are different).

    So, thank you for sharing your journey. I appreciate it!

    • Oh Jessica, how your comment blesses me. Thank you for sharing your personal conviction to do something similar. It’s amazing how the Lord uses various means to confirm in our hearts what we know He is asking us to do. May the Lord bless your journey, may you be encouraged when it’s tough, and may He bring you peace and a deeper sense of who you are and who He is as you travel through this. Thank you, friend, for sharing!!! 🙂

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